Dynamic Tactical Systems (D.T.S.)
Instinctive shooting with a pistol has been around almost as long as pistols have. This program covers the most practical, easily learned technique for shooting a handgun in close-quarter life-threatening situations. Instinctive (Point) shooting relies on the body's instinctive ability to point at nearby objects with reasonable accuracy. It is so natural that it is not greatly affected even when the body is suffering from reactions to extreme stress. The result of instinctive training is the ability to deliver fire quickly and accurately at close range, in low light, and while experiencing extreme stress.
Modern point (instinctive) shooting with a pistol was developed in the early 1940's by Col. Rex Applegate for the OSS (Office of Strategic Service) and taught by Col. Applegate to the U.S. Army Intelligence Training Center at Camp Ritchie, Maryland.
Col. Applegate was fed up with modern 2 handed sighted fire methods that did not work at extremely close ranges with little or no light and under conditions of extreme stress. These 3 factors were involved with 85 - 90% of all gunfights.
Instinctive shooting is aimed fire not sighted fire. No sight picture is necessary which is essential in low / no light conditions. You are still aiming just not using your sights.
There is a time and place for both sighted and unsighted fire. Col. Applegate always said "When distance, light, cover, and time permit the use of sighted fire, 2 handed sighted with the isosceles stance is recommended."
Instinctive shooting is a "must have" skill if you ever consider using a handgun for personal defense or combat shooting. Most military, law enforcement, and civilians focus solely on sighted fire. This is only half of the handgun equation and leaves the student lacking in real world skill and ability. Both Instinctive and sighted fire are needed to complete a well rounded tactical profile for anyone considering using a handgun.
Get started today. Sign up for this 1 day (6 hour) program and learn the fundamentals of Instinctive Pistol.
***Recommended reading for this program:
Bullseyes Don't Shoot Back
The complete Textbook of Point Shooting for Close Quarters Combat
by Col. Rex Applegate and Michael D. Janich
***Recommended video for this program:
Shooting for Keeps - Point Shooting for Close-Quarter Combat
with Col. Rex Applegate
Robert Langford and Col. Rex Applegate in Eugene OR 1997
To attend Instinctive Pistol you will need:
A. 1 pistol either semi auto or revolver.
B. 200 rounds of ammunition.
C. Eye and ear protection.
D. Long pants (No Shorts) and a baseball cap.
Note - We will be outside so dress according to the weather.
The cost to attend Instinctive Pistol is $300.00
You must pre-register with D.T.S.
Call 509.910.8869
Instinctive Pistol 2017
This class can be scheduled individually or in groups of 2. Since this is considered private training, the cost will be $300.00 per individual
Call or Email Robert Langford
Cell - 509.910.8869